
Andropause, also known as male menopause, is a condition that affects men as they age. It is characterized by a gradual decrease in testosterone levels and can cause symptoms similar to female menopause.
What causes andropause?

As men age, typically after age 40, the testes slow down testosterone production. In addition, testosterone starts to be converted to estrogen in fat tissue. The end result? Declining levels of testosterone.

What are the symptoms of andropause?

Symptoms vary but can include:

If you're experiencing any of these symptoms, it's a good idea to have your testosterone levels checked. Blood work will indicate if your levels fall out of the normal range.

Treating andropause

If low testosterone is causing bothersome symptoms, testosterone replacement therapy may help restore optimal levels. Treatment options include:

The experts at Balance Hormone Institute can evaluate your hormone levels and determine if testosterone therapy is right for you. Their fully licensed physicians specialize in customized treatment plans to help men optimize vitality and performance. I highly recommend scheduling a consultation to learn about safe, effective solutions.

The key is to stay proactive about your health as you age. Pay attention to changes and talk to your doctor or a hormone specialist if you think andropause may be impacting your quality of life. There are options to renew energy, strength and wellbeing. Don't just chalk it up to normal aging!

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