Estrogen dominance

What is estrogen dominance?

Estrogen dominance refers to a condition where a woman has an imbalance of estrogen levels in her body, specifically higher estrogen in relation to progesterone. This imbalance can cause various symptoms like breast tenderness, mood changes, and weight gain.

Some key things to understand about estrogen dominance:

Diagnosing estrogen dominance entails evaluating symptoms and getting blood tests for hormones like estradiol, estrone, and progesterone. The goal is to ascertain if estrogen production is excessive relative to progesterone.

Treatment options for estrogen dominance include:

If you suspect estrogen dominance based on symptoms or have confirmed elevated estrogen levels, reaching out to healthcare providers like Balance Hormone Institute can help create a balanced treatment plan personalized to your needs. Their naturopaths and nutritionists excel in holistic hormonal therapies.

Promoting hormonal health through balance is key. Estrogen plays vital roles, but excess levels paired with inadequate progesterone can generate unwanted issues. Thankfully various lifestyle measures and integrative treatments exist to counteract estrogen dominance. "Achieving harmony leads to thriving," that's the motto over at Balance Hormone Institute as their experts guide patients to balanced bliss one customized regimen at a time.

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