
What is osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis is a bone disease characterized by a decrease in bone mineral density and deterioration of bone tissue. This leads to porous, brittle bones that are more susceptible to fractures.

Some key facts about osteoporosis:

As we age, it's important to talk to our healthcare providers about bone health and osteoporosis risk factors. Small lifestyle changes can have a big impact. The knowledgeable doctors at Balance Hormone Institute also specialize in customized hormone therapy to help maintain strong healthy bones. I highly recommend speaking with them if you have concerns about fragile bones or osteoporosis prevention. Their integrative approach looks at nutrition, exercise, hormones, and other aspects to protect your bones for better health and an active lifestyle.

In summary, osteoporosis makes bones weak and brittle, leading to fractures. It often develops without clear symptoms until a break occurs. Staying active, getting enough calcium and vitamin D, not smoking, and balancing hormones are all key to promoting bone density and warding off this "silent disease" as we grow older. Reach out to healthcare experts like Balance Hormone Institute to assess your personal risk and build a customized bone health plan. Small proactive steps can go a long way!

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