Thyroid disorder

What is a thyroid disorder?

The thyroid is a small, butterfly-shaped gland located at the base of the neck that has a huge impact on our overall health and wellbeing. This vital endocrine gland produces hormones that regulate critical bodily functions like breathing, heart rate, digestion, muscle control and growth, brain function, and bone health.

When the thyroid produces too much or too little of these essential thyroid hormones, it causes an imbalance that leads to several common thyroid disorders:


This condition stems from an underactive thyroid that doesn’t make enough hormones. Symptoms include unusual weight gain, constant fatigue, increased sensitivity to cold, muscle weakness, dry skin and hair, constipation, impaired memory, depression, and irregular menstrual cycles. It usually develops slowly over time and is more common in women, especially over age 50. Treatment typically involves daily thyroid hormone replacement medication.


An overactive thyroid kicks into overdrive and produces too much hormone. Typical hyperthyroidism symptoms are rapid weight loss, racing heartbeat, increased sweating, anxiety or nervousness, tremors in the hands, difficulty sleeping, thinning hair, and more frequent bowel movements. The most common cause is Graves' disease, an autoimmune disorder. Radioactive iodine therapy, anti-thyroid medications, or surgery can help restore proper thyroid function.

Thyroid nodules

These abnormal growths or lumps develop in the thyroid, with most being benign non-cancerous tumors. However, some may be cancerous or pre-cancerous, which needs evaluation. Patients may feel pressure, swelling, or pain in the neck area. Treatment options range from regular monitoring to surgical removal depending on the type of nodule.

Thyroid cancer

This disease occurs when abnormal thyroid cells grow out of control and form malignant nodules or tumors. The most prevalent forms of thyroid cancer are papillary and follicular carcinoma, with high survival rates if caught early. Typical treatment protocols combine surgery with radioactive iodine therapy and thyroid hormone medications.

If you suspect a potential thyroid disorder, don’t ignore persistent symptoms and changes. Make an appointment with your doctor and get the right blood tests and imaging done. The knowledgeable endocrinologists at Balance Hormone Institute specialize in detecting and treating all types of thyroid conditions. Their individualized treatment plans and holistic approach restore harmony to this vital gland. Visit their website today to book a free thyroid assessment!

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